Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fluid dynamics lab

Our second lab we did was investigating fluid dynamics using Bernoulli's Equation. Our job was to calculate the amount of time it would take to empty a specific volume of water from a larger bucket with the setup as shown:
 Using a stopwatch, we measured how long it took to fill up a 200 mL beaker, and repeated the measurement to calculate error. Numbers are in seconds

1. 3.82
2: 4.75
3: 4.35
4: 4.30
5: 4.38
6: 4.52

Using error calculations, we came up with a average time of 4.35 +/- .31
The height of water in the bucket was 144.5 mm +/- 0.5mm
The area of the drain hole was 3.85e-5 m^2  +/-0.025e-5

Calculating the theoretical time with uncertainty yielded a time of 3.48s +/- .39
Comparing the theoretical with the actual value, we have a difference of 25% which is acceptable considering the amount of error introduced from drain hole inaccuracies, and delay in operating the stopwatch.
Calculating backwards, the actual drain hole diameter is 14% smaller than the measured 7mm hole at 5.99mm

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