Friday, September 23, 2011

Mechanical waves

For this lab, we were supposed to come up with an experiment to relate period to wavelength.
The materials we had to use were a stopwatch, a long spring, and a meter stick. 
We decided that we would hold the spring at a specific length, and then start a standing wave on it, and measure the time for 10 cycles and divide by 10 to get the period of oscillations.

By changing the distance between the 2 people holding it, and the number of nodes, we could determine the relationship between period and wavelength.

We got the following results:
8 meters 1.04 sec
4 meters .587 sec
2.66 met. .350 sec
2 meters .262 sec

When we plotted this on a graph, the curve was very linear which makes sense since 
T=1/f and f=v/λ so T = λ/v
Here is a video of our method.

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