Thursday, January 13, 2011

Jan 12 - intro to breadboarding

Today we started off with learning how to use a multimeter to measure continuity, resistance, and AC & DC voltages. I tested my power supply and it worked.
Then we went over resistors and potentiometers and breadboarding. Our first circuit was to light an LED thru a resistorAfter that i played with a CdS cell which is basically a light sensitive resistor. The values ranged from roughly 1.0 kΩ to 20 kΩ when fully covered. When put in series with the LED, this was the results:
Uncovered vs Covered:

Next we discussed schematics and how to interpret them. We then played with different values of resistors to power the LEDs. The lower the resistor value, the brighter the LED, however an LED always needs a resistor otherwise it goes POOF as we found out by blowing one up :-D
We then learned about Kircshoff's voltage law and Ohms law and used them to calculate the required resistor for an LED, given its datasheed and forward voltage. The optimum value for mine was 150Ω:

Finally, we recieved a vex kit and inventoried it and began construction on a squarebot.

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